I just saw a video clip of Hillary's statement. Yes, Hillary appears to have unintentionally outed herself as an avowed Communist.

I can't believe that anybody considered a political leader in either major U.S. party would say something anything close to this:

She went on to state that businesses and corporations are not the job creators of America. �Don�t let anybody tell you that it�s corporations and businesses that create jobs,� the former Secretary of State said.
Hillary proclaims herself a Communist

The Repubs need to start hammering this clip in commercials. I don't know how many people in the U.S. remember much about Communism since North Korea and Cuba are basically the last holdouts on that failed form of government (China is under socialism now), but I'm sure the Repubs could find numerous immigrants who lived under Communist regimes to tell how bad conditions were under Hillary's favored form of government.

One thing that is interesting, but not surprising, is how similar the leftist elites in this country act to how the political elites in the Soviet Union acted.