Here precisely is why these Marxist Socialist politicians keep pounding the drums for instituting their Brave New Marxist Socialist Fascist Police State Utopia. They are the supremely arrogant, vain, morally superior, super intelligent crazy elitists who believe firmly that even though communism has failed everywhere, THEY will do it right THIS time.

Sorry it's kinda blurred but I cut it out of the L.A. Times years ago. You can, however, see just how these communist card carrying far leftists are hard wired to this ideology.

Hillary and Billary, Obama, Elizbeth Warren, most Democrats ("progressives"), are true believers. The left liberals never, ever, disengage.

[Linked Image]

Los Angeles Times, � 1991.

Don't ever forget either, that these professors and teachers are teaching your children how to think, from the first grade through the doctorate levels of education.


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)