Hi all,
Craig Wetstein here.
At Pachmayr and at my shop, The Auto Shop, I would build up weld with a TIG welder on the grip safety. Then would radius the frame on the mill and cut a matching radius into the built up beaver tail to be.
It would then be rough formed on the belt sander and then filed to shape and fit the frame.
I am not gunsmithing anymore. I closed my shop in 1986 because of the poor economy and having carpal tunnel in both hands.
I knew Roy Erwin and he came to stay with us for a couple of matches, Bianchi Cup or Steel Challenge or something.
After all my years being around firearms, I just discovered this year the joy of black powder shooting.
You are welcome to ask me any questions, but I cannot trust my memory to be fully helpful.
If I can't remember or don't know, I will tell you.