When I have to go down thru California, you can really feel like you are in a zoo... same thing going thru Potland and Seattle...

Potland and especially Seattle can be a real parking lot...in any direction...

When I go thru California, I set the cruise control on 5 mph under the speed limit, stay in the right lane and watch most of the world go by... less stress and I am not competing with the rest of the traffic 'jockeying' for position...

around town and on rural 2 lanes, I have learned to be a defensive driver long ago, and not get in a hurry... that avoids a lot of stress associated with competition of trying to maintain 5 mph over the speed limit, or people just hauling azz thru town...

we have tons of old ladies around here that blow right thru stop signs and red lights with their head in a fog...or the ones that burn thru traffic like some 17 year old teeny bopper...

me and my son have learned to make jokes about those types...
either they are late for bingo starting or they have to get home before their cat has an anxiety attack, because they stayed too long at Walmart...

gotta admit tho, people with California plates or Washington plates bother me going thru our town, totally ignoring speed limit signs like the ones on Hwy 199 or 99 that are 6 to 8 feet high.. like it doesn't apply to them....firing thru red lights just as they change, or your light changes to green, but you have to wait to make sure 3 more cars aren't flying thru the intersection...usually Having Washington or California plates..