You can tell who's a native Idaho driver - he's the one that just begins to use his turn signal long after you already figured out where he's going. The other half of that game, lately, are those who close the gap as soon as you signal your intention to change lanes.

I drive every day by an on-ramp that enters the interstate uphill and blind. It takes a certain amount of unjustified faith for people to attempt to merge there at any speed. Drivers approaching the ramp on the interstate can see this early enough to accommodate, but few do. Instead, they do their best to leave a little less than a car length behind the car ahead of them. I always move over to the left lane when approaching this ramp - incurring the wrath of those "left for passing only" drivers who think My 5 over the speed limit isn't fast enough.

BTW - Idaho has no "left for passing only" law. We do have lanes designated as such by sign - but not a universal law or rule.

Driving really is easy, if you lose the ego, put down the phone, and just pay attention.

BTW - I'd say the phone is one of the biggest driving problems - but it isn't just a driving problem.

My long-standing pet peeve has been the driver who is too stupid to make sure he won't get hit by a train (another easy task that some just can't make the effort for). And if he survives, has the gall to say he didn't see/hear it coming.

But my current irritant is all those drivers who can't figure out how to use a roundabout.....refuse to figure it out....and/or campaign against the construction where they make sense, on the basis that "roundabouts are stupid anywhere". One of the best and most cost-efficient time and gas saving devices - and these people are too scared to use them. If they are too ignorant or afraid to learn to use them, they should just go another way and let the rest of us benefit from them.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.