Call me batshit crazy but Parnell was a good governor, so was Frank Murkowski. They both tried to kick the greenies in the nuts with their pro-development stance and they made Alaska 'open for business.' I can't think of any other governor EVER, besides Parnell that actually tried to address the decline of oil in this state.

Walker's candidacy doesn't matter. The republicans will have veto-proof majorities in the Senate and House--and he's NOT on their side. Walker's against Sb-21. Not sure what he'll do, but it doesn't seem like he can do much. This state would be better off with Parnell/Sullivan than Walker/Mallott. The liberals won with the election of Walker. Like mtn hunter said, he'll put libs in cabinet positions to show his 'unity.'

Parnell will bide his time and run for Don Young's seat or Rino Lisa's.