One of the things that hurt Parnell is the Senate Bill 21 Tax give away. The idea that we should give the oil companies a tax break is not the problem. What hurt Parnell is that he gave them the tax break with no strings, bench marks or deadlines attached. It was a promise to produce more if you feel like it, when you feel like it that sticks in many folks craw.

The tax break may work to increase production and only time will tell. Take a look at where your public school is right now thanks to Senate Bill 21. Millions in the RED and having to slash budgets and throw in the drop in oil on the world market and it is a perfect storm for school districts state wide. Oil has dropped 28% on the world market which is about 28% less in taxes to boot. The combo of Parnell and a soft market will spank the public sector for the next 2-3 years. Regardless how you feel about taxes you need to start thinking about what you want to do without! Schools, fire protection, troopers, snow plows, potholes, airports or ????

Lets see what Walker can do and I hope he can push the Gas pipeline through, Parnell had no interest in seeing it built!