Do you think, with the present state of affairs in the 'oil' world, that the oil companies don't want to be better prepared for the price of oil to climb again?�. (and it will). It's not like you can just throw a switch and have more oil when it does. Incentives are not a bad way to keep them interested - especially with the easy stuff going on down 'dakota-way. Alaska takes a plenteous share of the the pie when it comes to royalties. That's nice but it isn't very competitive. Alaskans know that it isn't always going to be easy street economy-wise, that's our history. The 'old coots' we've employed in DC have understood these issues well; not sure about some of the wet-behind-the-ears gang we've been employing lately though.

As for a gas line, if we can't market it, having cheaper energy for 'our own' may at least offset the expense of having the screws put to our pocketbooks in other ways.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.