Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by tjk
Phuqe it; were all condemned by our experiences in life. If we were under fire in one of the many wars the last few generations have gone through we'd all be happy with whoever covered our ass, be they black, white, brown, red, yellow or what ever color/race we want to bitch about Want to bitch about a person's skin color, think about the Jeffrey Damers, Son of Sams, Ed Gueins, and other so called holy white folks before you babble about black people being the ultimate evil. If you hate blacks, or other minorities because they are not white holier than thou, that's your opinion; just remember, it's ONLY your opinon.

Eistein ,

There's a HUGE difference between all races and blacks - as for whites we don't squall that jeffrey damer / ed gueins etc. were railroaded - persecuted because they're white .
No matter what a negroid does -his negroid people will side with him/her .

utter and complete bullchit, you got sloppy when you tried to paint with too broad of a brush

the "negroid" or black folks that share similar values with other folks that believe in hard work, education and a sense of moral decency aren't out there cheering on the criminal element of their own race, they're as happy to have them removed from society as most other folks.

but racism is alive and well in this country

many here cheered on the armed folks that turned away Fed authorities (me included) on the Bundy ranch (even though I'm not certain he was in the right)

take the same number of folks with the same number of arms and make them black folks

and at least some here would be calling for the Nat'l guard to remove them from the face of the earth

America where all men are deemed to be created equal?

that doesn't turn a blind eye to the post that EE made, it was spot on

but there's a difference between an honest black man working hard and trying to instill values of merit to his offspring

and all the welfare leaching scum our gov't has created with their programs designed with the intent to help people in need that have largely created a needy people

you put out food for rats, you're apt to get more rats

you reward irresponsible behavior......I'll leave the conclusion to you

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.