Originally Posted by bigswede358

Awesome buck. What a monster. My grandpa told me once of a 300 lb plus deer he killed while guiding some elk hunters. That was back in the 40's or 50's though. Right in Broomd's back yard.

I really appreciated that story, Brent. Thanks for sharing.
I love hearing that north Idaho history especially when it occurred right on our place!
It's amazing how those giants can evade hunters, vehicles etc. and get killed right on local properties. I've hunted many, many times up in the high country around us, but always end up in the back stand during the rut waiting on our local does to bring in the big boys.
I went back into the backyard bedding area this week (Obviously I avoid that area during the season) and I was shocked at the destruction--scores of rubs on 3-4" trees--everywhere. Hard to miss too, the buck I killed has a couple of nasty 1" stickers coming off his bases and his rubs are obvious due to the deep gouging.

I'll share a quick story...Cory B. was hunting down by our pond about twenty years ago, long before we lived here. He was walking through at first light blowing a grunt call, and I suspect he had some does estrous scent on himself...
Before he knew it he was pinned down flat on his back with a massive rutting whitetail trying to gore him. Cory said he was lucky to flail and kick the deer off to where it finally bounded away. Thankfully Cory is a big man.
He was shook up after that for some time, who wouldn't be!