Originally Posted by heavywalker

Yeah, I think my girls will spoil him rotten for sure. Over here Pete these pups are pretty rare, not as popular as they are in the UK. They are mostly bread for show dogs over here, although I will not show him but will do earth dog with him.

I worked mine a little on fox when he was younger, but just for confirmation of his working ability really. After that I trained him up for blood tracking deer and he did quite well..

With regards earth work on live quarry, you may find him a little slow to take an interest, but don't worry its not unusual in Borders.. Some just don't seem to take an interest until they are about 18 months old..If you have the patience to wait, these dogs tend to make very steady workers and don't get knocked up so much..Very often, as an older dog, they will carry on working after their more fiery counterparts burn them selves out..

If you do intend using him for working fox rather than earth trials, please, please get a good locator collar as your little buddy deserves the extra insurance they provide..

