My girls out-did themselves this Christmas.

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When I was four years old (1959) Santa brought me a set of Tonka fire trucks - a ladder truck and pumper. The trucks made the journey from Seattle to our new home in California and I played with them for years after. I really don't remember what ever happened to them - they might be buried in the back yard or traded or given away.

Fast forward to Christmas 2014. My daughters presented me with a large box. To my surprise and delight, inside the box was a fire truck just like the one I had way back when. Apparently, Victoria started a search for it in July, found this on eBay and won the auction. She and Erica pooled funds and completed the purchase.

Interestingly (and I have no idea why), the white color scheme was only offered in 1959. Spare parts are available online - pricy but available so I may attempt to replace some of the missing do-dads (fire hoses, ladder, etc). For now, the main task is to find a place to display it properly in the house. Thanks girls - you done good!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Guns are like guitars - you can never have too many.