I agree with snap....What is this balance of nature and what do you have to compare it to?
Is it 100 years ago?
Is it pre-contact?
The so called balance of nature is changing always and works in a cyclical nature, coming back to the beginning of its cycle and then starting over.
Some of these activists are professional bser's... I have witnessed them tugging at the hearts of people in the hopes they can sway public opinion, showing photo's of wolf pups playing.
At a recent wolf seminar... I even witnessed a photo of a wolf and a grizzly bear sniffing noses, the photo looked real then it was known to be doctored to make it look "cute".

Most if not all of the folks in attendence have never seen a wolf in the wild, let alone spent any real time in the bush, or witnessing how a wolf or pack of wolves kill and sometimes eat their prey.
The notion that they only kill the sick and weak is simply not true, they consistantly kill healthy adult ungulates...slowly.

The closest thing to this mystical notion of "balance" is brought about by fire burning everything to ash...then beginning a new cycle. The land was burned uninterupted for thousands of years...until recently when every fire is jumped on right away causing the land and everything on it to become stagnant, also causing a pine beetle epidemic which would be destroyed and kept in check by fire, they blame the beetle on global warming, nonsense.

I agree the government is to blame because they allowed the wolves to propagate to an unmanagable level....
The focus is on the caribou,,Why? the wolves have devastated the elk, deer, and moose pops too in many area's,, studys show 1 wolf will kill on average up to 15 elk a year, the math is easy to figure out,, it took after game is almost wiped out before the slow wheels of government to act on this issue....I say they are 10 years to late for this wolf kill.

Last edited by 673; 02/01/15.