It is really only in the past few years that the predation on various ungulates in this particular region HAS been a major issue. During most of the period of civilized settlement here, these animals were always shot, poisoned, trapped and killed and hunted with hounds.

This, kept their numbers relatively low and game animals benefited accordingly. Then, we got the "greenies" who are anti hunting, consider Wolves and Grizzlies to be "iconic" and NOW very few actually kill them.

However, while I certainly concur with Bill on hunting them and they will show a person just how little he knows about "hunting", the numbers are now too great for hunter's kills to save the few remaining Caribou.

So, all in all, we really MUST cull predators, ban "non-resident" hunting south of Highway 16 AND cut resident harvests as well as protect far more habitat from csttle, ATVs, logging, mining and dam building, to restore BC's once fabulous wildlife heritage and good hunting for we citizens.

WILL, this actually happen.....I seriously doubt it, those huge profits and fat resource sector paycheques are just too tempting, the days of wild BC and easy available hunting with lots of game are gone and will never come again in our time.