Logging, DOES NOT benefit Caribou in this region and I ...got... that from 60+ years of personal bush experience, including stints working for the BCFS, the Alberta Forest Service, BC Fish and Wildlife briefly and my various bio. courses at Selkirk College, located IN that area.

The FACTS are that SOME species/populations,SOMETIMES, enjoy some increased habitat from logging, but, Caribou, are dependent on "Cladonia" lichens for their winter food supply.

This lichen grows on "old growth" trees and NOT on "regen", natural or planted, thus, removal of said trees by logging can, does and has limited this food supply to this population.

In any event, the Caribou, there are almost certainly doomed to be merely a memory, much like some fisheries lost due to spawning creeks damaged by the building of logging access roads, and the decline in numbers of, for example, Elk, due to several limiting factors caused by human agricultural and industrial activities.

The most egregious example here is the impact of the accursed Columbia River Treaty dams on Kootenay and Arrow Lakes....and, this is now under discussion to re-do that atrocity as the USA wants more water, etc, from a new treaty.

The issue here, is the Wolf cull and it is NOT as well received in BC as knowledgable, serious conservationists would like....a situation that, IMO, will probably worsen.

"We have met the enemy and he is us".......