Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
You act and think like a Left Coaster or Yankee.
Well I think on my own, I'm neither conservative nor liberal. What's funny is, all the liberals I know call me a knuckle dragging conservative. As long as I have people like you calling me a liberal, and liberals calling me a conservative, I'll know that I'm in good shape. 'Cause you people all let others do the thinking for you. I can start any political conversation and tell you what you're going to say about it.
lol I didn't say you were a liberal. I said you act and think like a left coaster or Yankee. If you want a label instead of those I'd use "idiot" to describe you. IIRC you couldn't wait to condemn Zimmerman. You think O's right on "Net Neutrality", etc.