Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
lol I didn't say you were a liberal. I said you act and think like a left coaster or Yankee. If you want a label instead of those I'd use "idiot" to describe you. IIRC you couldn't wait to condemn Zimmerman. You think O's right on "Net Neutrality", etc.
The very first report turned out to be wrong on Zimmerman. With that information I thought he was in a lot of trouble. When all the information came out, I never condemned Zimmeran as guilty, I just said he was an idiot. And I think that assessment has been borne out. Apparently you think he's a great guy, that makes you an idiot.

On net neutrality I said I was for it despite Obama's support. I don't give a rats azz about Obama and where he stands on anything, but net neutrality is the right thing, period. You're just too filled with hate to accurately assess the situation. Anyone who is against net neutrality either doesn't understand the issue, doesn't think for themselves, or is just a hate monger. With you, I'd say it's all three. You are a pukking republican drone who has never had an original thought in his life.

C'mon man..... Ethan never said that Zimmerman is a great guy.