I'll be sure to check with you for a heads up before I do. You live there, I don't. I'll bet the general principle applies however - I'll feel safer in the boonies than in El Paso. Don't you?

I live in the methamphetamine capitol of the US. California friends tell me one of the slang names for meth is "417", the area code they call to order. 417 is my area code. Maybe I just don't know enough to be afraid. I mind my own business and very few people ever mess with me, even when I'm not visibly armed. Being ugly isn't all bad.

I have carried pistols on bird hunts, and know others who do it routinely. So far, in 50+ years of banging around, the deadliest thing shot was an assortment of copperheads and rattlers. the shotguns would have done it better.