What unit were you in? Yes, 2nd or 3rd season rifle are notoriously "crowded" in CO. Most of the out of staters will hunt the first 3-4 days and give up/or will be too tired to go back out again. I would skip that opening weekend if you have to go back again 2nd/3rd season and focus on during the week. Forget about the elk being out in the open during the morning or evening and get into the trees and stalk/track, especially good if there is new snow.

The problem most hunters make during rifle seasons is that they sit in one place and glass and don't see a thing. The elk will only feed at night in the open.

I've hunted one of the most crowded units during 3rd season and had multiple days where I was totally alone and didn't see anybody until I got back to the trailhead. There are ways to avoid people and it usually involves going in at access points that most people don't even know that are there. One of my go-to spots that has elk every year is only 2 miles off a 2 lane paved highway.

Other options
1. go during archery season and hunt week days, you have a full month.
2. 1st season rifle
3. buy some acreage in the mountains, it's a nice investment!

Last edited by BDKeg; 03/27/15.