My first is a 1957 Standard rifle in 270 Win. I bought it in the summer of 1986 for $550. A lot of money for a teenager making $4 an hour!

It put my first sloppy handloads into groups way smaller than I had any right to expect. wink

I put a Leupold 6X42 with heavy duplex on it the year they came out, 1988? Than about 1992 I gave it to my dad. He still uses it occasionally for WT tree stand work.

I will have it back someday but am not in a hurry.

And as an observation well over a hundred rifles have passed through my hands since. None have worked better for a field rifle than that old 270.

Anybody who seriously concerns themselves with the adequacy of a Big 7mm for anything we hunt here short of brown bear, is a dufus. They are mostly making shidt up. Crunch! Nite-nite!

Stolen from an erudite CF member.