Originally Posted by Mule Deer
Not a knife, a paycheck.

I'm sticking with knife...

Many moons ago, Burt Carey contacted me to see if I'd be interested in submitting to California Game and Fish.

"Well, sure... Why not"?

Now, Burt was a swell guy... No issues with him...

But the corporate culture of Game and Fish Publishing back then seemed to presuppose that anyone interested in hunting or fishing was either an unemployed dweller of a rented 'Section 8' trailer-house at best or a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal at worst.

My tenure writing for Game and Fish was pretty short-lived as I found little joy in lowest common denominator writing and didn't need the gig.

My point is that a guy can always say "Uh, no... I don't think so" to an editor -unless he's on staff, of course.

Personally, though, there ain't enough money in the world to make me happy writing the sort of piece that is the subject of this thread.

I'd much rather write for California Fly Fisher or Sporting Days California or some other publication I have written for or continue to write for, where I not only have masthead credit but work with editors who let me submit whatever I feel like submitting, without wasting our mutual time in querying first, and where I can write the kind of stuff I like to read.

If the product isn't something I would want to pay for or read, I'd rather not waste my time writing it in the first place.

So that's why I'm sticking with "knife" over "paycheck"...

But I'm sure your're right. Not everybody sees the thing the way I do, and not everybody cares as much as I do about what their name is associated with.