Originally Posted by smokepole
Everybody has stories about elk they saw from camp. I guess that means it's a good idea to set up a tent city right where they live. I've had 'em come by the tent and turn inside out when they saw us or winded us. Probably should've just stayed in camp after that, no doubt they'd have come back.

Many years ago I set up camp on a narrow bench, it was the only flat ground around. There was some soft ground next to camp, with a large set of very fresh tracks and lots of elk sh**. Elk were moving along the bench. That night about midnight, I heard a single elk walk right up to camp, stop, turn around, and go back the way he came. We stayed four more days and he didn't come through again. At least, he didn't leave any more fresh tracks where he'd been leaving them.

Guessing you wouldn't believe me when I say that I've watched a calf elk with his head inside the my tent flaps?