Originally Posted by Salmonella
Yep, I've met numerous people that left much more conservative states and moved to California to be with people that "think" like they do.
Like a festering cancerous lesion...it grows until it kills the host.

There's a lot of truth to that. California was once a great place to grow up, but those days are long past. I can't tell you how much it sickened to me to continually meet people from NY or NJ who thought they were living some ultimate fantasy brie-and-wine California lifestyle while pushing the same failed liberal policies that turned so many big northeastern cities in chitholes.

There are a great many things I miss about that state, especially the unrivaled diversity and beauty of its wildlands, but I am SO glad to be out of there now.

If you're fixin' to put a hole in something,
make it a hole to remember.