Originally Posted by Swifty52
No wonder you are so Phlucking ignorant. In 69 years you haven't learned chit.
You weren't even around in the dust bowl so how would you know first hand whether any of my kin ever phlucking moved there you ignorant bastid.
Matter of fact you weren't even a wet spot in your mommas dreams when the dust bowl hit.
You all are the ones that let in all the spics and chinks so you could get cheap phlucking labor and line your pockets. And after the first amnesty when they all quit, you brought in more. Pure phlucking genius. No wonder you speak Okie instead of English.
If you were an old mid west type as you say conserving resources would come natural, we didn't drain a 1,000,000 acre foot lake here during the 5 years of drought, you did, phlucking ignorant azzholes.

By the way I am 63 and still don't need you Kalifonia BS to survive. You ignorant phluckers aren't the center of the universe except in your own ignorant minds.

You might want to do some research on just how much the US needs the economy of California (as in - our contribution to Federal tax is given to the states that cannot pay their own way (most of the south, etc.). Plus - an awful lot of the food eaten in other states comes from here.

A collapse of the California economy would be VERY VERY bad for the US.