Originally Posted by djs
I will be moving in a few months to another state (CO). My plan was to transport my guns in my station wagon, but as I load them into the wagon to store out of the house, I fear that the back of the wagon will not be large enough for all.

My plan is (was?) to put them in a moving wardrobe box (50" high) and store them at a friends house while my house is being viewed and, then transport them in the box to CO. I seem to be running out of space.

Moving companies seem to refuse moving guns. My station wagon (VW Passat) is not equipped for towing a trailer.

Suggestions? How have you handled similar situations?

If a moving company takes possession of your guns to move them to Colorado, you and the mover are breaking the background check law.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell