A couple of unsolicited random thoughts and observations about this event, from my preverted perspective of never having been around such. My first thought after stepping outta the truck and watching these guys clanging stuff WAY the fook out there, was the scene from the movie Dances with Wolves where Costner yanks his boot on, and wanders on out to the line with the rebs plinking at him. Then his buddy yanks him down and says, "I ain't a kidding, these boys is SHOOTERS", just before he jumps the fence on the buckskin horse. Well, that's exactly it. These boys is shooters... The dedication, time, practice and money tossed at this long-range gig just amazes this poor li'l ol' Colorado ranchhand. On the other side of that very same coin, it was shown during the competition that as dedicated as this bunch is, they spend very little time shooting from their hind legs, sitting, or from buffler sticks. I can only recall 2 offhand firstshot hits. That said, I damn sure don't want any of them shooting at ME, from ANY frigging distance, whether they's bellied-down in the grass with bipods, or from ANY other position.....

The other thing I expected, was some very experienced, veteran ol' greybearded-type guy to clean house in the hunters comp. Not so. It surprised me (not really THAT unexpectedly tho, due to the amount of powder those young men burn) that Carl and the Anodizer Kid,(I can't recall his name.grin) could SO thoroughly clean house, kick azz, and take names, from the quality of talent involved.