Originally Posted by Klikitarik
At risk of wearing thin the queries, here's another…

What percentage of shots do you estimate you've taken at moving (big game) animals?

a. - 0% ; never

b. - 0<25%

c. - 25<50%[u][/u]

d. - 50<75%

(Moving can be anything from a very casual walk to a head-down, full on dash.) Feel free to anecdote-ize as much as you wish. smile

I would have to say 75%+, I learnt to shoot on running rabbits with a .22 RF, it's a very common practice here in Australia, then we moved on to foxes and other vermin like pigs, goats and wild dogs. Running shots come natural to me, just like swinging on ducks with a shotgun, only with a rifle.
I mostly only shoot deer these days and I never pass up a running shot. I once heard the saying 'an animal is just as big running as it is standing still' I think this is very true every day of the week.
Meat in the freezer is important to me.
