I believe Mule Deer has discussed this phenomenon. People have far less time to spend afield and far fewer places to be afield so must drive much longer distances to get there. Many people don't even have a good place to shoot their rifles closer than an hour or two hours away. So instead of actually hunting or scouting or doing target practice they concentrate on this minutiae.

If someone really wants to drive people batsh*t crazy, log on to a golf forum and propose this same idea except that golfers are limited to two woods, three irons and one putter. And no range finders or golf carts, they have to carry their own bags.

I wouldn't recommend it since even if you posted it with a dozen smiley faces you'd still get very earnest death threats. shocked Talk about a group of people who want to buy skill out of a box...

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!