I'm been bit too. Hell,...who hasn't been dog bit?

But what KFWA has described is a serious fuggin' mauling by a serious fuggin' attack dog,... that resulted in a lot of blood and stitches,...and it's going to result in a hell of a hospital bill to somebody. Not to mention a lot of serious pain.

Now,..if he had gone onto someone's property unannounced and suffered the consequences, I'd say that he just used bad judgment and paid the price.

But this was a pre-arranged situation where the dog's owner knew that someone was coming over to their house, yet left their attack dog out and running.

I'm not sue happy. If I'm walking across your yard,..trip on a tree root and break my leg, I'm not going to blame you for having a tree root poking up out of the ground.

If you invite me over to consider a commercial transaction,..and you have an attack dog running the property and don't tell me about it,..and the attack dog sends me to the hospital,...Your stupid ass is gonna buy me a new Corvette,....minimum.

Fug stupid people.