That's not an unusual way of returning fire. We did it when I was in Viet Nam. The chances of seeing an enemy, getting a sight picture, and squeezing off a shot is pretty slim in a fire-fight. Good chance in an ambush, though...if it's you who's initiatiing the ambush. Close ambush, you need that first aimed round, but after that, it's pretty well spray and pray, unless you've got someone in front of you who doesn't shoot back and doesn't take cover.

Full auto is the what defines an assualt rifle. Is it used too much? Can't say, as I never thought I used it too much.

All of this discussion is irrelevant if you're ensconced in a bullet-proof position with great vision and plenty of time to aim and fire without drawing opposing fire.

The .30 caliber in an assault round is as dead as Pontious Pilate. ARMOR piercing...body armor. We all know that's the wave of the future, and the 7.62 x 39, a.k.a. the 30-30 minus, ain't the way to do it.

Last edited by Gene L; 11/14/06.

Not many problems you can't fix
With a 1911 and a 30-06