I received my 3 Books plus Bonus Camo Loonie Hat yesterday !
(Big Gack, Optics, Shotguns for WingShooting)

Ordered through Eileen, sorry for interrupting John's birthday lunch with my phone order, but Thank You for the expedient delivery !

Happy Birthday to me !

I was pleased to note that there was no Ingwe thong centrefold anywhere apparent, whew ;-)

I did immediately don my new fav' camo Loony hat, testing for fit etc. before heading to the reading room for the initial perusal.

The large print format of Gack will be useful for propping up at a distance and testing optics in the evening.

Shotguns for Wingshooting is an amazing bargain for the content & format. I haven't barely opened Optics for the Hunter, but this is right up there with John's earlier Obsessions, and Tuning books.

Excellent reading thus far, and highly recommended.

Cheers, and a Merry Christmas to all