Crow hunting was my favorite activity for many years. I tried the crow/owl decoys once. They worked ok but I found them unnecessary. Find good cover and use good cammo, especially on the face.

I drove backroads in the county, looking for easy access with good cover. Never walked in more than 100 yards. I carried my caller on my left shoulder, directed it in all directions at first then pointed it down toward the ground. With it pointed down the crows couldn't tell exactly where you were and flew back and forth looking, of course as you turned while shooting that moved the sound around, confusing them more. I rarely stayed at one set more than 20 minutes. Then move down the road atleast two miles before setting up again.

Crows that are hunted learn to avoid calls that get them shot at, so use a variety of different calls each time you stop at a spot you've hunted before.

Crow hunting is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.