I never got to crank on a 103. Bikes been in the family since my great uncle bought his first HD in the 30's. Dad got his when he was 13 or something.

Been on em, around em etc but this is the first one with my name on my title.

Currently my mother is the only other with a bike, dad having sold his Bonneville a couple of years ago but she's the type to have the dealer do all the service so I come to the collective wisdom of the 'fire.

Appreciate it.

Went in looking to see what I'd be able to afford - walked out with this - Tax/Title/License and bike for the price of a new Sportster. Did okay I think.

[Linked Image]

Some people don't like the twin headlamps but I have a pic from the HD museum of a 29 with the same exact set up - same size, everything. It's been around a long time.
