BlueNorther is in, wooot! Still waiting to hear from Hacklewrap01....

1. HoundGirl....Blue-wing Olive
2. AKGrayling.....BeadHead Nymph
3. Hacklewrap01..ginger quill <<<<<<<waiting to hear>>>>>
4. 1Minute ... Parachute Adams
5. S'Head....blonde wulff
6. Bootsfishing ...Efoamarella Parachute
7. Hunterbug .. Parachute stimulator
8. Southerntier8 ... Light Spruce
9. Pugs .... Black Stonefly
10.BlueNorther..Beadhead Pheasant tail nymph
11.Couesdeer.....little yellow stone flies be decided
13.CastandBlast.....Quigley Cripple
14. be decided


Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.
-- Mark Twain

Part of me lives with the wind in my face,
while the other part is barely alive.

--Mary Gauthier