Originally Posted by Klikitarik
It was when he took it and walked through the doors that it occurred to me that he was possibly going to run my name. There's nothing I have to worry about, so that doesn't bother me, but the idea any ordinary person's ID should be run, does.

"but the idea any every ordinary person's ID should be run, does"

Hope you don't mind me adjusting your statement because I have had many similar experiences while trying to be a law abiding "upstanding Citizen" and help out law enforcement.

As a Minister it is very offensive to immediately be suspected and treated as a "guilty criminal" or "accomplice" right out of the box. Because of this I now very seldom go out of my way to "do my duty" as a law abiding Citizen.

Everyone is a suspect, Everyone is guilty, Everyone is a Criminal and they just haven't been caught yet. And it is the "Duty" of every Officer to be the first to catch them.

Seriously..."Innocent until proven Guilty" is the absolute extreme opposite of the true current mindset. The current MO is to process as many "into the system" as possible because in reality our current Justice System is a very lucrative Business.

Last edited by Bugout4x4; 04/06/16.

When I no longer have the right to protect my own person or property...my person and property have become public property in common.