On this big pic there IS a lot of flap there that can be brought over and thankfully the face is well perfused so the tissue though partially shredded could still remain viable. And on the left side of his face, to the left of where the bridge of the nose would be there might be an open sinus which means facial bone was opened and there is only a small part of an inch to his brain pan. That would make sense since that left eye is also gone. As far as faces go he couldn't have lost much more. Thank the Lord for to be left an eye. Truly a literal miracle.

Also the nose is completely missing unless it's on the back side of that flap which is possible.

I still find 17 days almost un believable as he still should have swelling there and a lot of discoloration minimally I would think.

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 05/06/16.