Originally Posted by RickyD
Like everything, it's followed the money.

Spot on.

Back in the day country was radio driven. The country artists didn't sell nearly as many records as other genres. It was gear to adults. In the 90's that began to change along with who the label's target audience were-younger demografics. Todays country market is much younger. That's who buys the music. And to market to that audience the music, lyrics, and subject matter changed, for the worst. Country has always borrowed other influences, such as Pop ( Kenny Roger, Dolly Parton). As other genres have borrow from country ( The Birds, Eagles). But today it is mostly has a Pop, Rock, even a Rap bent. The music is what "the kids" buy and listen to. I can recall when the urban cowboy thing came along. And was talking to a female co-worker about country music. She said she like it. I asked her,"do you like Merle Haggard"? She said," he's too country for me". Too country doesn't sell. Country market isn't an adult market, it's a teen market. The adult themes have vanished and been replaced by a high school kid in a stadium watching some act with with beat $15 hats singing "redneck anthems". You've heard them- The I'm so country offerings. The soul of songs like "Poncho and Lefty" are nowhere to be found.

Last edited by LostHighway; 06/11/16.