The problem is not hardworking honest Muslims, or Muslims who fought bravely in America's wars.
The problem is radical Muslims who want to kill Americans in vast quantity. And, there are lots of them.

We let in immigrants from Mexico, we have immigrants from eastern Europe. There are problems with both groups, but none of them hijacks airplanes and flies them into buildings.
None of them machine guns innocent people in San Bernardino.

We have problems with the radicals and there is no way to tell a "good" Muslim from the bad ones.

If I had the power I would have shut down Muslim immigration on Sept. 12 2001.
That would have stopped the San Bernardino slaughter because the Muslim gal who was the ringleader and main shooter just came in from Afghanistan 2 years ago.

Sorry for the good Muslims who might want to come here to study, or to work, but the bad ones have done pi**ed in the lemonade.

So, I agree with Trump.
Hillary's plan to import wholesale Syrian refugees is insane.

Last edited by simonkenton7; 07/29/16.