Originally Posted by muffin
Because you routinely wave me to pass when approaching a curve, on a hill or in a no-passing zone.

If I pass you on a curve, double yellow and a car shows up, it's you that is getting pushed to the ditch.

You just follow the rules and I will too.

If you don't like me following you, then go faster.

Because you often do NOT follow the rules of the road.

An entire pack, 25+, ran a stop-sign in front of me, forcing me to choose between the opposite side ditch or having three of them as a hood ornament.

Oh yeah, and when you come to the coffee shop after your run, please dress, having a bunch of sweaty riders, with bulging quadriceps and mini peckers makes me pass coffee out my nose...............

You want to ride a 45# vehicle in traffic go ahead, have fun, I'm sure not all are jerks...........

I will often communicate with drivers that come up behind me. I have waved plenty around. When I do that I am not giving a directive, but rather that's my way of telling them I am prepared for them to come around. I know full well I am the sacrificial lamb if things go south. I will also hold up my hand in a stop position if a detect a hazard. Again I am not issuing a directive, but rather letting them know I don't think it's safe to come around. I wave to those that are courteous as they pass. It's my way of saying thanks.

Obviously that group of cyclists should have stopped. Do you think each one of those cyclists should have come to a stop and moved individually through the stop sign?