Originally Posted by willhunt4
How the heck do you attach the cap your talking about to the filter after unscrewing it? Sounds like you can only get one hand in through the "window"

I agree that dodge should have to come over and do it for you.

According to Gene's website and a video, you hold the cap with one hand, shove it through the window and screw it onto the top of the filter that is now resting on that metal plate below it.

I found another filter socket at the local parts store that was steel and not pot metal. Getting it on the filter while attached to the socket was impossible. Had to get it on the bottom of the filter as best as I could. but, because of the angle that your hand is at inside the window, you don't have enough leverage to push the socket up onto the filter enough to "bite" and stay.

So, you have to start it on there, then I used a long crow bar to push it on the rest of the way. Then, I had to use the tip of my finger on the square fitting at the end to the socket wrench to "feel" it into the hole of the socket.

It all fell several times down into the abyss on the previously mentioned plate, and I squeezed my way each time as far as I could on top of the tire so that my arm could reach through that window and down to where the tools fell. Insert several cuss words after my head got wedged between the top of the tire and the fender-well.

Finally got the socket on, wrench on, cheater bar on and then the filter loose. Before taking the filter all the way off, I put a gallon sized ziplock freezer bag around it. then, finished unscrewing it. Once it dropped down and rested on the plate (in upright position), I sealed the ziplock bag and then pulled the filter out.

I put oil (about 3/4 full) into the new filter. Placed this filter into a new ziplock bag (sealed shut). When I slid it sideways through the window, some oil came out but not much. Put the filter in the upright position and opened the ziplock bag, then began threading the filter back onto the engine. I used a rag to wipe of the oil that got on the outside of the filter while going sideways through the window in the bag.

Got filter hand tight, then repeated the hell I endured before trying to get the filter socket on the bottom of the filter so that I could snug it. Again, not enough room or leverage to turn it with any strength with the one hand in the little window, hence the need for the socket again.

I went ahead and ordered the cap from Geno's so that next time the oil won't spill out of the new filter when inserting it through the window.

Yes, I put oil in my new filters before installation. You don't like it, so what. do your own however the hell you want.

What used to take my 5-10 min tops to do with my old Cummins is now a serious pain in the rear. So, yes, there is something I HATE about the new Ram's. So far, this is the only thing, but my gosh I'd like to kick that engineer's a$$. ha.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan