Every single pair of binoculars mentioned in this thread are quality units, if you can find a good deal on any of the above mentioned you will have made a good buy. However some of the binoculars mentioned excel at different things. I compared the Razor HD and Meostar HD very closely. The Razor is light, and slim, the Meostar porky and built like a tank with a small bit more optical quality (I could go more in depth, but this too depends on preferences.) Both good binos, but people will probably gravitate to one or the other and neither is a bad choice.

The poster above said to not go with a 8x if it's your only binocular. I would respectfully disagree as this too depends highly on preferences and hunting terrain.

I would recommend trying as many as possible to get a feel for what you like. Preferably in the field and not in the store.