I'd say anyone that paid money to see Ariana Grande may just have gotten the expected results of such idiocy

And how did this azzwhole slip his bomb through security...a co-conspirator working on the inside?

But England loves their muzzies.

I had a friend that was English...everywhere you turned their was constant crap, including the TV police hounding her incessantly though she refused to watch TV as a matter of principle, sitting outside her home with a signal detection van to see if she turned her TV on. If she would have turned it on, she would have owed the tax.

So a country can spend unlimited resources tracking down their CITIZENS who watch a TV signal without paying the tax but illegal muzzies have a free reign to do whatever they want...that's progressive government in action.

They are an island and muzzies sneak through the tunnel, but don't tell me we can't afford to build a wall.

There are so many cameras watching every move a person makes whenever he's out in public, you would not believe it...it reminded me of 1984.

She finally got tired of dealing with all the BS and moved to Israel.

There is a large group of expat Brits there.

"Supernatural divinities are the primitive's answer to why the sun goes down at night..."