Originally Posted by WillARights

I'll believe it when I see it. Right now, they're not even showing photos/videos of the victims
. My guess is, they have some sort of news moratorium, so as not to "inflame the masses". The govt and the media are gonna do all they can to hide the truth, and that truth is, the "multicultural thing" isn't working out over there....


Anybody conditioned by ME attacks in earlier decades and the coverage of them, should notice that the current coverage of these things just doesn't add up.

Suspect pictures showing odd behavior, No pictures of victims, no horrified witnesses, no rushing ambulances, just a bunch still photos of authorities standing around which could be an earlier exercise from whenever.

even witnesses are saying they arent seeing any victims.

I'm not saying I want to see the carnage,but with it being conspicuously absent lends no credence to this actually happening.

It basically just an explosion somewhere with so many hurt, as told to us by the suspect news.

this is the new news, not afraid to pull the wool over the spectators eyes and use subterfuge to move the social and political meter.

We used to ONLY see this overseas. Not anymore.

And oh ya, the "perpetrator" almost always dies. How convenient.[/quote]

Well now, the concept has worked for "womens rights"......