I don't trust the overly liberal FOX anymore. But we'll see.

Politico running a story about Corey Lewnadowski is going to work on a crisis management team for Trump. Tonight Lewandowski was on Tucker denying the entire thing calling Politico fake news. That's the same Corey Lewandowski that allegedly threw Michelle Fields to the ground and bruised her arm... which security video later showed to be a complete fabrication designed to take down Trump via the Lewandowski proxy. It's all-out war on republicans and conservatives. I don't know how the Rumble in Montanny will shake out but let's hope there's video.

Either way, I fully approve of body slamming reporters when they're somewhere they're not supposed to be and shoving unwanted phones/recorders in people's faces. Democrat or Republican. #FugckThePress

Last edited by bigfish9684; 05/24/17. Reason: [bleep]

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
