Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Any Muslim POS that immigrates to the US, UK, Germany, etc to escape from the war and persecution in their homeland and then goes back frequently to visit that which they escaped from should be denied re-entry. If it's safe enough to vacation there then it's safe enough to live in. All these [bleep] do is go back and get further radicalized before bringing it back to us. You leave here for there don't bother getting a round trip ticket as we don't want you back.

Can't disagree, but in this particular case, the bomber was British born, and his father and brother, also said to be Islamic extremists, are living in Libya where they have now been arrested.

Personally, I would like to see all immigration from the majority of the ME and parts of Africa halted and a moves to remove a large number of those already here. Again it would not have prevented the recent attacks, but it would have narrowed/simplified the job of the security services to keep tabs of those remaining...