Originally Posted by ingwe
Just got my copy from JB and am only on Chapter 12 so far but I can already recommend it extremely highly! If you are paying attention, and particularly relatively new or inexperienced to the sport you can learn a TON from this book! Also, I know John well and it is written pretty much in the style with which he converses, and since he did his own editing it remains pretty pure Barsness! Cant wait to get into the African Chapters! This is an EXCELLENT read! laugh

Is the infamous "butt-shot zebra" incident mentioned in this one as well? You may not want to be in such a hurry to get to the Africa chapters. Just sayin'. grin

"An archer sees how far he can be from a target and still hit it, a bowhunter sees how close he can get before he shoots." It is certainly easy to use that same line of thinking with firearms. -- Unknown