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Time to rock'n roll!

There is no bag limit and these things are illegal immigrants.


Im pissin myself. Thats terrific Berserker. My arms length instructions definitely left room for interpretation.

I wouldn't change that load. One in each end and mid torso, thats a winner. Well done,

Brown rice is better for sugar regulation and digestion.......doesn't matter, doesn't matter

There are scented rices too...Jasmine comes to mind, for a holistic mind/body experience....does Jasmine go with hot dead rizerd?.....not important, not important

Welcome to the world of "accidental famous snuffing".

You killed Geico the Gecko.

You bastid.

Time to go Digital Corleone on his extended family.

Small business idea:

....you push a stick up through them, and dunk em in batter or chocolate, and you got a county fair treat!!

Last edited by WillARights; 07/13/17.

Trump HAD the World, ", Trump saw our children, "
Trump saw a way to make a brighter day so he started giving
There was a choice he was making, he was saving our own lives
Its true he made a brighter day for you and me. --Trump WINS 2016