Originally Posted by kid0917
"...The Tok cut off has always been horrible between Mentasta to Chistochina..."

Man, I hear ya there! I tell people it must be an Alaska version of "the Ghost and the Darkness" , and grizzlies are eating the road crews each night, for that one bridge that never gets finished. I remember the joke of the day was a sign that said resume 45 mph. You would jar your fillings out at even 35 mph on that stretch of road. But, I still would go back! smile

Riley has been getting lots of road time going up there to x-ray that bridge as they build it... they have not met their contracted time schedule, at all.

That road goes through some of the most miserable country imaginable to build a road on.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.