Originally Posted by mtcurman
Hey guys, thanks so much.... Out place is fine at the moment, it got awful dang close. Us and 3 awesome BLM guys kept it at bay in the cottonwoods about 160 yards from the house. I have been disking most of the afternoon because it may double back across the river... Between this side of the Musselshell and over in Garfield co, it is up to 200,000 acres and chugging on every second..

I will hang some pics later.....


Glad to hear the news bud. I hope it doesn't sneak back around and bite you. Do y'all have a lot of fuel on the ground there on account of the spruce beetles? I just spent a lot of time in the wilds of Colorado. They are in for a special kind of hell when some of those sections of forest catch on fire.