Originally Posted by gnoahhh
...about calling it quits with the Campfire. What started out as a venue for discussing guns, shooting, hunting, fishing has turned into an alt-right platform for a lot of venomous attacks on people for no reason other than that they're different. The Hunter's Campfire forum has devolved into a nest of vipers, bigots, and narrow minded-ness. That doesn't define the folks here on our Savage forum, don't get me wrong- I love you guys! I just can't identify with a web site that is so mean spirited. That isn't me. Any of you who know me will agree that I'm a pretty laid back and open minded kind of guy, willing to listen to opposing viewpoints, sees humor in the foibles of mankind, and willing to admit when I am wrong.

There are those who frequent this web site who feel the need to politicize everything, who hate the majority of U.S. citizens (who don't fit their narrow definition of "correctness"), and who simply hate because, well, that's what haters do.

The internet has revolutionized communication, and all too often has become a substitute for personal analysis. Vile ideas can take root and grow at the speed of light, literally.

Right to free speech you say? Absolutely, but that right doesn't extend to yelling fire in a crowded theater, or using that right to abrogate other's rights. The Supreme Court has ruled thusly.

So, I'm thinking of packing up my bed roll and finding other more sunnier climes before the mast head sports an image of a white-hooded "patriot".

Thought the very same thing. There are a LOT of good people here though. No sense letting the jerks take charge....